Bug is on Tour! Certain Merch Items will not ship until NOVEMBER. Read descriptions carefully! Wish us luck!

Want to host a House / Backyard Show?

For Bug Hunter, intimate shows in living rooms and backyards sometimes work better than shows at noisy bars.

Don't think you have enough room for us? Here are some pictures from our most recent house / yard shows to give you an idea of how much space we need!

If you have any interest in potentially hosting a public show at your home (either indoors or outdoors), please fill out the following google form:


This is NOT a commitment to host. It just puts you on my radar. If we are planning a tour and your home is on our route, this form just lets me know that I can reach out to you to see if we can make something work. You can always say no for any reason!

How it generally works:

  • I take care of selling tickets to the show.
  • Only confirmed ticket holders will receive the address on the day of the show.
  • They cannot re-sell or transfer the tickets to anyone else.
  • Your address will never be published to the web for people to just show up unexpectedly.
  • I bring any sound equipment needed for the space.
  • It is preferred that guests have access to a restroom
  • Between set-up, the show, meet-n-greet/merch sales and tear down, it's about a 5-hour commitment from the host
  • You can invite friends / family without tickets, but we'll just need to coordinate to make sure the capacity makes sense (if you can only hold 20 guests, we can't have you putting 18 people on the guest list, etc.)